Subtle Transition from Toddler to Preschooler
William Sundwick
He’s three now.
Birthdays are getting to be old hat for my grandson, who is
learning to take them in stride. The calendar is still a fuzzy concept though. When
asked at his party on Saturday, “when is your birthday, Owen?” his reply was
“ummm.” I think he didn’t know or understand that it wasn’t until the following
Monday, two days away. He knows about changing seasons: it’s Fall because of the leaves changing color
and falling to the ground, Winter comes next, when it’s “Colddd!” – but since
we had an early snowfall a few days before, which melted, it must mean we
already had Winter?
The idea of years is
still unknown to Owen. Not long ago, during an excursion to the local
elementary school playground, when Mom told him that the adjacent building
would be his school when he gets to kindergarten, he explained to all of us
later, “I’m going to kindergarten!” But, when? For several days, his favorite
refrain was “I want to go to kindergarten.”
His answer on Saturday to the question, “how old are you,
Owen?” was confident, unhesitating –
“Three!” That was, after all, the number
stuck on top of his cake! If his grasp of the calendar is less than precise,
his new comfort with himself as agent and actor is quite precise. He now always
begins declarative sentences with “I want …”, “I did” or “I’m going to …” He no
longer refers to himself in the third person, like he did last year, when
declarative statements often began “Owen is …” or “Owen does …” The discovery
of “I” is philosophically important.
Developmentally, there is a distinction between looking/hearing/moving
and seeing/listening/deliberating. Owen did eagerly show off his very
deliberate “exercises” to me on Thanksgiving, learned from his mother. I could duplicate
only some of the stretching myself! He is clearly more agile at three than his
grandpa is at 71.
He looks around trying to find what to do next but seems
more attuned to revisiting the familiar (at our house, at least) than exploring
the unfamiliar. Repetition of play behavior associated with us is the most
likely trigger, either at our house or his.
Conversation is an art Owen is still developing. He hears
what you say, and frequently parrots it back (including new words), but there
is less evidence that he is listening and processing a response. He retains his
favorite response to any statement, as he has for some time: “Why?” Retorts
with this interrogative are what pass for conversation – and, it does have its
charm. Mostly, however, we listen while he talks.
According to his dad, Owen is also showing signs of another
aspect of Self – he is beginning to lie! He apparently can code what statement
or which answer is most likely to get him what he wants and supplies those
words. Regardless of whether they are objectively true, even to Owen. I encountered an example when babysitting at
his house the day after his party. “I have to go potty!” said O., “Okay, do you
want to use the big potty or the little one?” (i.e., the regular toilet or the
portable “Lil’ Loo” toddler training potty in his room). His choice, ”the
little one”. We go upstairs to his room,
“all done!” “Okay, let’s go in the bathroom and wash your hands,” moving next
door expecting him to follow, his answer, “Daddy says I don’t have to wash my
hands when I use the little potty” – “Oh?” seemed reasonable only for a preschooler
who knew he didn’t soil his hands anyway, and didn’t understand the need to take
more time from play. Dad confirmed later, it was a lie!
Owen relates to
others as you might expect. Most people in his life are there to pay attention
to him and serve him. The only noteworthy exception is his baby sister Mira,
now three months old. She doesn’t seem to owe him anything. Perhaps she’s still
enough of a novelty to be entertaining for Owen. But everybody else must
respond to his commands, “Watch me!” or “Play with me!” Oddly, one of the
hallmarks of his toddler assertiveness, “Me do it!” has given way to “You do it
…” – is it laziness? Or, more likely, impatience with skills already mastered?
He will watch, to see if he can learn more, especially small motor tasks, like operating
a screwdriver, but is less likely now to have the patience to perform a task
himself. Sometimes, he almost takes pride in saying “I broke it!” so that he
can then demand, “Fix it, grampa!”
Play-acting has remained one of his favorite activities for
some time. He will be a monster, a dinosaur, a bear, or a pet. Something that
can roar or make animal sounds. Often, he plays the role of a worker “man”
(fill in the job, followed by “-man”). Having a job seems to be rewarding for
Whether animal or
worker, he’s usually aware that he is play acting. He doesn’t really believe he
is that character. Even when playing
with toys, or building with blocks, he frequently slips into the play-acting
mode (he’s a monster and smashes the house he’s made with blocks, or a “package
man” who drives a toy truck to the opposite side of the room to make a
“delivery”). Indeed, play-acting seems to capture his imagination more than
engineering. When he builds with Duplo blocks, his buildings
often have no
doors or windows, but are simply enclosures for a toy vehicle (a “garage”), or
are towers, whose only purpose is to be as high as possible before tumbling
down. Although, he does seem to be aware of the need for “stabilizers” on
structures made with blocks, it seems awareness of physics is primordial at
Owen’s new favorite word, potentially a replacement for the
interrogative, “why?”, is “actually.” The meaning of this preface has clearly been
learned from adults (his parents?), and in O’s case it is not intended as a statement
of fact. Instead, it denotes rebuttal, or change of mind. Much as “why?” is
intended as a conversation starter, “actually” at the opening of a statement is
intended as an assertion. Owen is declaring, “now it’s my turn!” So, every
sentence begins this way.
Do all these
observations of my grandson indicate anything more than that he’s growing up?
Probably not, but his new mad skills appear to position him advantageously for
entering the pre-school of his choice, any time his parents deem it
appropriate. Owen’s mother, however, is a professional early childhood
development specialist. And, his father is a highly analytical team-building
media professional. The family day care center three doors down their street
has been Owen’s comfortable
second home since he was an infant. His parents
feel that “Miss Eymy” continues to run a supportive, nurturing, and educational
environment for her charges – and, now she can accommodate little Mira, too!
Not likely they could find a better setup in the short term. So, at least for
another year, the day care arrangement will remain unchanged. It is already
Owen’s “school.” He has always called it that, as have his parents. Miss Eymy
even regaled him with chocolate cupcake on Monday, for a second birthday party!
Although his dad and uncle were both enrolled by age three
in more formal pre-schools, we are but one set of grandparents. This
grandfather is willing to grant Owen’s parents more good parenting sense than
we ever had. Owen will be fine in his fourth year!