Geopolitics of Climate Change in the 21st Century
William Sundwick
The term “geopolitics”
was first used in the 19th century to refer to the influence of
geography on political actions of nations. When U.S. Navy Captain Alfred T.
Mahan published his seminal work, The
Influence of Sea Power on History, 1660-1783, in 1890, imperialism was in
full bloom. Great Power rivalry was centered around the part of the world we
now know as the global South. It was competition among Britain, France,
Germany, and the United States for resources needed by exploding industrial
development – and growing populations in those “Northern” countries.
Early in the 20th century, Halford Mackinder introduced his “heartland
theory” in The Geographical Pivot of
History, published in 1904 in Great Britain. Mackinder emphasized the
“world island” instead of Mahan’s “world ocean.” But both fathers of
geopolitics had one thing in common: an underlying assumption that Malthusian
population growth would outrun resources needed to sustain it, unless countries
experiencing that growth could acquire more resources from places that weren’t
experiencing such growth. That was the definition of imperialism: organized
theft, via military power, from the poor to the rich. Not much changed until late
in the century, when the collapse of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War, ushering
in a “uni-polar” world where one country, the U.S., dominated the new imperial
Now, in the 21st century, we are confronted anew
by a demographic challenge threatening stability and peace in the world. It is
the looming specter of climate
change. Just as it’s clear that world power relationships divide
those with resources from those without, so is it clear that climate change
will affect some countries more than others. Island
states expect to be hardest hit, next are nations where the bulk of
their population and resources are in low-lying coastal areas, such as India
and Bangladesh. Rising sea levels threaten to wipe them out over the next several
decades. Drought is also a climate change issue – affecting food supplies for
many populations. These factors, along with the consequent disease, potentially
will create huge waves of migration away from places most affected, and toward
“safer” locations.
Even internal
migration can threaten regional stability. Civil wars, like Syria’s,
destabilize neighboring countries with secondary migrations of refugees. Weak
governments, lacking access to resources, exacerbate the situation. And corruption
is always a destabilizing influence.
When the United Nations was formed in the wake of World War
II, its founders understood many of these factors. An organization built to
promote world peace would need to address all of them to be successful. IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is pursuing worldwide commitments
from all governments regarding the impending threats of climate change, under
the UN charter.
Unfortunately, many governments are still locked into the
legacy of 19th- 20th century imperialism. The United
Nations and IPCC
aren’t imbued with the kind of authority needed to force progress from
national, or tribal, loyalties to something approaching the “human family.”
Once they acquire resources, nations tend to hoard them, stockpiling and guarding
them against potential thieves.
When we hear expressions like “no borders, no country” we
are hearing the selfishness of wealthy countries. Poor countries, those most at
risk from climate change, don’t need borders. All borders are essentially
intended to be fences. And, representative governments are chosen to represent
the feelings of those who elect them, including irrational anxieties about “identity”
loss. Wealthy countries tend to have more representative governments than poor
countries, where corruption and strongmen often hold sway.
A world of “us vs. them” might work if resources were
distributed equitably among all players. Cultural identity would then be quaint
but wouldn’t carry life-or-death consequences. In the world of climate change
and capitalism in the 21st century, that is not the case. Saying
“you have your own place, stay there” literally is consigning large
numbers of human beings to death.
Aren’t people a resource? Why should migration be a threat?
In a full employment economy, especially, additional labor can be a very real
growth opportunity. Yet, the hoarding instinct and tribal preservation seem to
be too easily ginned up in many Western nations’ political environments.
We’ve been through two or three decades where the
promise of globalization seemed to offer a way out of the
limitations of nationalism. It looked, for a while, like the world was “flat,”
as Thomas Friedman wrote. Perhaps borders could someday be erased.
However, we came to realize, after the worldwide financial
crisis of a decade ago, that capital flowed only in one direction -- toward the
top. It didn’t flow outward or down. The world wasn’t flat, but a suction cup. Hence,
issues of tribal identity and scarcity rose once again to prominence. Nations
with a great deal of capital at their disposal could maintain powerful military
establishments to enforce nationalism (if not expand it beyond their borders),
and political expediency allowed capital to maintain its power. The
multinational side of globalization began to lose its clout.
What is the meaning of “security”
for any nation? If it means keeping its people safe, then meeting their needs
should be equally important to countering any threats, real or imagined, from
outside. Wars are seldom caused by efforts to meet a population’s economic needs,
and there is even a body of opinion (socialist) that says wars originate from capitalism’s
need to burn through excess capacity.
If we “follow the money” in international relations, we may
be able to identify the real threats to national security and devise strategies
to counter them. It’s important to understand boundaries between class, between
haves and have-nots, not merely between nation-states. Power elites compete
with one another – sometimes within a country, sometimes across borders – but,
they compete as businesses do, not as national or cultural entities. Workers,
their labor supply, are the pawns in this game. If elites need to import labor,
they will – and as cheaply as possible. If they need to keep labor competition
low, due to expansion, they will do that.
In order to move beyond the perverse cycle of hoarding and
war, cooperation, at some high level, must replace competition. The human
family must be exploited but not pitted against itself. Borders should be
de-emphasized, not fortified. The United Nations has an admirable 75-year history
of promoting world peace. It should be encouraged, not fought.
What has always been desirable, but never achievable, may be
due to intrinsic evil in human nature. However, Darwin’s theory of natural
selection does note that the most successful species are those that optimize cooperation, not competition.
Our species deserves to die if it can’t overcome that evil
side of competition. But even a dire apocalyptic vision allows for “some” to be